Anyone not on the master list will end up in a "re-education" camp.

One-way ticket.

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I reckon I will see you there, Kathleen, until then take care. On second thought they’ll never take me alive.

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Me neither.

Once piece of advice I heard years ago from a security expert, "never let them take you to a secondary location."

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I’m not even going to let them take me to an initial or first location. I am fine wherever I choose to be at that given time. I think one may call that freedom. What a concept eh ?

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Actually where you are now is the first location.

The second location is where they move you to by force. Years ago when I heard that advice, it was in regard to women and children being kidnapped.

But, it applies to all now.

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The sooner we all can begin to help each other to realize we are already being attacked- that we are, in fact, already at war and being murdered en mass. Horrifying and maddening in all ways, I know I know.

I reset my intention every day to prepare for potentially being tested to stand my ground, to stand in defense of my God given sovereignty. Our trials will (and do) come in sometimes subtle ways, sometimes more overt, but we are all under siege every day, make no mistake about that

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Ya know, not to be a denier but I've been hearing this for twenty years.

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Kevin; you e been hearing this for 20 years because it's been in the works for that long or longer. It's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when"...

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I’ve been expecting it for 45 years now I see how it will happen……

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In reference to what? The master list or the re-education camps?

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Why so hesitant to believe this? Death jabs, death towers....but camps is a step too far?

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Just like Roux said in the video, any ‘advancement’ has been 20-30 years in the making…..

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Yup. They started in earnest revamping education from 2008 forward….

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May 11, 2023
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Probably WHO.

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An interesting anecdotal ‘side note’ about ‘those vaccine cards’. Over the weekend I was buying myself a new pair of Dansko clog sandals at a small independent chain shoe store, that have stores throughout CA. In addition to shoes (for women and men) they sell a small collection of accessories like wallets, purses, card holders, etc. While waiting to to pay for my purchase I was looking at the wallets. I opened up one of them to pull out the card in the wallet, where they usually put the price tag. On the description of the store’s price sticker (not the manufacturer of the wallet) it said ‘Vaccine Card Wallet’! (It was a RFID Blocking wallet, primarily.)

Who knew there was such a thing as a ‘Vaccine Card Wallet’? (Actually it was a wallet style that the manufacturer had been making for years, as I have one of these that I use as a travel wallet.) Now the store has ‘repurposed’ the use of the wallet...now in addition to protecting your credit and debit cards, it allows one to carry their ‘Vaxx Card’, too! 🤦‍♀️

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This is a great post, Laura, thank you for your research and explanations.

Corey's Diggs and Amazing Polly have been warning us about this for several years. Obamacare started the "digitizing" of our health records because you know, Obama was the super cool POTUS and he wanted immediate access to our medical records (God help us, he's on his 3rd term now).

During COVID, many states used some of the Covid cash to set up state-wide digital vaccination records (https://abcnews4.com/news/local/dhec-starts-vaccine-information-system-for-sc-residents). So yes, they are digitally sharing our medical & vaccination records and probably our dna data via the PCR tests. I've called my health department and asked questions about these matters (and data on death certificates)- they know nothing! My attorney general? They know nothing! My RiNO Governor? He knows nothing! My Country Club Republican RiNO State Senator and Representative are useless, they allowed the Governor to shut us down, forced us to wear masks, social distance - all that BS. They do absolutely nothing to protect us from the tyrant Governor.

Before you file your FOIA, I'd suggest. you check with Muckrock, in case they've already done it. If they haven't they might help you out and file one on your behalf.


Keep kicking ass.

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Now Corbett too? Sigh. Ugh !

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We need a short list of those who are still resisting.

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It's a financial decision and their Platform has now grown to reach more people...BOTH WORTHY ADVANTAGES. Of course, it could also promote censorship since views must be contained to fit any given Platform. Wait and see what happens.

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They definitely want to collect all data that they can. They already collect every event that occurs on a smartphone, smart TV, smart watch, most computers, emails, and search engines. I think VAERS is just a dummy prop-up for the public to seem like they are actually looking to see if thee are problems with shots. They do not care at all about any shots. Just like they do not care about the health of anyone at all and recommended an upside down food pyramid for generations, put fluoride in toothpaste (which children eat - I did!) and water, aspartame in soda and food, canola oil is still recommended on every mainstream recipe website as the correct oil in which to saute your food. Every single thing on mainstream media is a lie and intended to kill you. Slow kill in most cases. That is my conclusion after intense study over the past few years. All of my close friends, who are all intelligent individuals agree with me. Sad, but true.

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I am not sure I would give them to much credit. Remember the Obamacare website. How much did that cost, how many sub contractors feeding at the trough and what a disaster

As for the paper cards, I know many people who crossed state lines etc to get vaxed and had shots in different states. Especially in the early days as they thought supply limited. Many places were pop up stands and there is no way the people working there had an ability to get, track, cross reference information given to make what they had useful.

Then collecting and inputting it all from multiple locations and states.

I also traveled internationally during this time and the checking system at the airport was chaotic or non existent. People waving bits of paper in multiple languages and phones with clunky bar codes that didn’t work. If they were collecting all that stuff and I don’t see how, most of it would have been useless data.

The government, palinter, but I repeat myself, often bluff about their capabilities, always lie, and are incompetent on a good day.

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It was a trial run , the bugs are being worked out

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Not only the US, here’s one from Australia. The cost was peanuts in comparison to the money wasted on other covid measures to “keep everyone safe” but still a complete waste of money.

There was a total of 7.9 million registrations of the COVIDSafe app between April 2020 and May 2022, but fewer than 800 users consented to their data being added to the National COVIDSafe Data Store for contact tracing.

That’s less than 0.01% of users that actually consented 😂


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Obom care was a psyop narrative designed to divide degrade and enrage the populace ✅

underneath the protestations of incompetence and dolts botching shit is the slithering underbelly of ruthless, calculating killing machine level efficiency ala Palantir/ TIA network / OCTOPUS

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Data Lake = Tiberius=Palantir= PROMIS= as as in a software program stolen by Mossad/CIA (20 + yrs ago)that they subsequently backdoored and then marketed worldwide(by Ghislains Dad primarily, a Mossad agent btw)- succesfully infiltrating and compromising every network they have access to - and now, as Palantir/ Tiberius etc it is that software backbone of the entire world's finanicial systems, security and governmental AND healthcare networks = OCTOPUS; it is the literal interface control panel for the Wizards of Oz. It's the "eye of god", "skynet", the "precrime" tech they told us about in their shitty movies- they just can't help themselves, boasting about what they already have running, mocking us for being so stupid as not to realize it.

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So I have been looking into Peter Theil recently, specifically his Breakout Labs company. Seems awfully convenient for his company to be handling all the gov data and his other company to be on the cutting edge of biological innovation. Sounds almost like it might violate some antitrust laws. Good thing nobody seems to give a shit about those pesky things anymore.




I just reposted Laura’s article with a little crumb trail to Breakout Labs--maybe that’s old news and everybody already knows about it...I was unfamiliar until recently. Theil is like an uncover Gates on the come up...he’s got his hands in errrrrythang. Rumble(which is a whole other can o worms), intellectual dark web, fucking DoD data collection, biotech solutions.

He’s got the data from the gov to feed to the company creating the solutions AND he’s pulling the strings at the top of the “alternative” media pyramid to release the approved narratives to the people’s...

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DeSantis gave freebies to Rumble and Locals and now they're in the Miami area. They're going to turn my old hood into a Silicon Valley shithole with property values so high that the younger generation of Immigrants who have grown up in the area won't be able to afford to buy homes, unless they are trust fund babies.

Dave Rubin is simping for DeSantis and for the corrupt POS Miami Mayor Francis Suarez. Dave wasn't in Miami when both DeSantis and Suarez shut us down, forced us to wear masks. I'm so tired of these elites destroying the lives of regular folk.

Thanks for info on Breakout Labs, I'll read up on them.

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Let's say you were a despicable parasitic psychopath predator that wanted a regular delivery of a certain substance that was completely illegal(at least it used to be), and anyway regular dolts considered it absolutely horrible immoral, taboo that involved human suffering blah blah blah

you would have need to build out a worldwide realtime super efficient Bayer/IGM Farber / IBM level inventory and network trafficking system to identify locate, track your selection, then to place your order, track the processing, shipping, delivery etc

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Every aspect of the Ai/Bio Nanoweapon Warfare was/is an Experiment designed for a maximum level of 'Data Harvesting'. WE, THE PEOPLE, HAVE BEEN DEFINED THEIR ENEMY. The Western Middle Class has ALWAYS been defined the ENEMY by the British since the 'Declaration of Independence', U.S. Revolution and 'The Constitution' as the worst enemy of humanity needing to be DESTROYED.

The U.S. changed accepted 'delusions' of Psycho/Sociopathic Predators called Kings, who are now defined Dictators, as the origin of Inalienable Human Rights as the real origin is GOD.

Beyond that fact, The Constitution made Income Tax ILLEGAL which disallowed the mega-wealthy Monarchs and European Bankers from getting their hands on the wealth of 'The People' generated by 'The People' in a land filled with Resources unlike their ancient, ravished lands.


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Why was the USPS exempted?

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Somebody Hass to be alive to deliver the next big round of vaccines from the deadliest virus ever to hit mankind, mostly aimed at the children.

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The Vaccine Frankenstein, who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's children in 2011, will tell you that our fearless Military will be delivering and administering the next round of poison. What a nightmare.

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Excellent elem thank you

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Great post Laura, thank you.

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Wow, Laura! Thanks for slogging through the intentionally muddy data streams to see all this.


For Rachel, Rochelle & Richelle (the last one's a porn actress, so, OK, it's loosely defined, but still a set):

Hard to make out the first lines if you're not familiar:

Once upon a time I had a little money

Government burglars took it before I could send it to you...


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I didn't know the CDC was collecting any data on anyone, or at least according to Rachel. You know she gets her information from CNN, remember? That tall drink of water is sure looking pretty up there in front of the cameras like one continuous selfie. She doesn't appear to know anything data wise. Oops masks don't work, you don't say? Now at that point our science said, hmm science said. What baffles me is how it is that so many people still think safe and effective, safe and effective, pandemic of the unvaccinated, pandemic of the unvaccinated, and gee it worked for me

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What is chd?

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Children's Health Defense, RFK's organization

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Excellent piece.

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