From the outset, I have found the “vaccine cards” to be a curious feature of the pandemic protocols. That is, the cards go beyond “certifying” that one has been vaccinated. The information on the cards is rather extensive relative to one’s jab. It includes information relative to manufacturer, lot number, date of vaccination, etc.
One of the features of the pandemic has been the enormous amount of data incoming and the many variables at play. It is almost as if by design there are too many moving pieces to actually allow for rational debate leading to conclusions or a narrative based in reality. Instead, questions abound, and numerous variables allow for plausible deniability and lots of “theories” about what was done and for what reasons.
For example, the government says one should get the shot and the jab will protect one from contracting and spreading the disease. But alas, a person gets one shot and then contracts Covid….is it because the shot made them more susceptible to the disease because their immune system is fighting the onslaught of spike proteins from the vaccine? Or is it that until one gets the second shot and two week pass, he/she is considered unvaccinated? Is it a breakthrough case? Or is it the beginning of a pattern that reveals that the shot does little to stop Covid? Then of course, people express relief at the mild nature of their symptoms and quickly attribute it to the one shot? Meanwhile, the elderly or immunocompromised who lasted a year without contracting covid get it after one shot and then die?
Oh….how the many variables, outcomes, shifting narrative, etc. To say it is a challenge is an understatement.
BUT…..what I do know about the NWO globalist proponents and those pushing the vaccine is that….well, they believe in DATA….data is the new gold.
Which brings me back to my initial inquiry above….what about those vaccine cards and all the data points on them.
What do we know….I mean, where and from whom are we getting much of our data on the vaccines and the adverse effects? Who is performing that public service? It is reasonable to think that somebody ought to be, right?
First, we know that the person/entity that runs “how bad is my batch” does a data analysis of VAERS that allows one to see if his shot was one of the “hot batches.” That is, was the lot one of the 5% that are seemingly producing 90-95% of the adverse effects. From there, the breakout of the data details the type or nature of the adverse reactions. One can use VAERS in similar fashion and run a search putting in different search terms, including a lot number, to review the data collected within VAERS.
Now, many of us have been belly aching about the fact that the CDC does not seem all that interested in what is in VAERS and assessing the data for safety signals, etc.
WHAT’S UP WITH THAT? ARE THEY FOR REAL? THE DATA THEY COLLECT IN VAERS SEEMS USELESS TO THE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE…like the FDA and CDC? It is almost as if the government knows that the vaccines are toxic for many so why waste time analyzing the data in VAERS….which brings me to…
Recently, Steve Kirsch remarked that he did not understand why Gates, a data devotee, seems to be disinterested in the data relative to safety signals, etc. After all, isn’t he a big public health proponent only interested in advancing equity in healthcare the world over?
Good question Steve….really it is….but is there more to the story? Like, is it that the government just isn’t interested in the VAERS data because they are more interested in the vaccine data for other purposes? Hmmmm….
So….Here is how my mind works and the questions I have…..I would welcome any comments, research or thoughts on this subject.
What I know is that our individual states are collecting the data relative to the COVID vaccines and their administration. And I started with the premise that I would expect that all that information at the state level is then being directed to the federal CDC.
My questions/concerns then focus on ALL THAT DATA….where is it going, who has access, how is it being managed and for what purposes? Do you follow me? And let’s not forget all the variables in the mix relative to the data collected….gives me a headache just thinking about how to get value out of the data (remember… is the new gold for the globalists/technocrats)….
I began my research with a simple inquiry in the search bar as follows:
”Who is contracted with the CDC to review covid 19 data from vaccine cards”
Issued on January 28, 2021, as the vaccination campaign got underway in earnest, was an “INSIGHT” from the Congressional Research Service that was titled:
Tracking COVID-19 Vaccines: U.S. Data Systems and Related Issues
In part, the document states the following:
”Recent reports indicate gaps in vaccine recipient data. Policy issues related to vaccine data have been highlighted for many years. Inadequate immunization history data and limitations with cross jurisdictional data sharing have hindered prior public health emergency response efforts. In addition, existing vaccine data systems, like other public health data systems, sometimes use outdated technology or processes.
To mitigate these and other issues for COVID-19 vaccine distribution, several federal efforts have aimed to create, improve, and integrate vaccine data systems, including the following:
the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) for managing vaccine clinics and allowing providers without existing capabilities to report to CDC and IISs,
an IZ Data Clearinghouse to encrypt and store data shared by IISs with CDC,
an Immunization Data Lake to enable data summaries and analytics of both supply and recipient data, and
Tiberius, a platform to integrate all types of vaccine data for use by federal agencies and the 64 jurisdictions to manage their vaccine programs.
This Insight presents data systems in use at the time of publication that may be subject to change. They represent a mix of systems that predate the COVID-19 pandemic and systems developed specifically for pandemic response. The Biden Administration has identified improving vaccine data systems a part of its pandemic strategy; goals are broad at this time.”
GOALS ARE BROAD AT THIS TIME. Oh, yeah…..I bet they are.
What this document tells us though is that the Biden Administration intends to set up vaccine data systems, beyond those currently in existence (i.e. VAERS), as part of its pandemic strategy.
Let’s have a closer look….and see how they intend to manage issues like privacy….here’s what the “INSIGHT” by the Congressional Research Service has to say on the subject of privacy and data sharing:
Privacy, Data Sharing, and Integration
”Limitations with cross-jurisdictional immunization data sharing have affected prior public health emergency responses. To address this, some personally identifiable information (PII) on recipients is to be collected, encrypted, and secured in CDC’s IZ Data Clearinghouse to enable data sharing between jurisdictions and federal agencies through the IZ Gateway. (CDC typically collects de-identified data. PII held by CDC and other federal agencies is generally subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 [5 U.S.C. §552a]). Submitted data are encrypted with “privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL),” where PII is redacted and replaced with unique tokens that allow for records sharing without PII. State and territorial public health officials have expressed concern that “many states have laws prohibiting or limiting data sharing with other entities, including the federal government.” As communicated to CRS by CDC, all 64 jurisdictions have signed data-sharing agreements with CDC that respond to jurisdictions’ unique concerns; CDC is still in the process of rolling out PPRL, and it has not been implemented in jurisdictions at this time. Combining different data types (e.g., both supply and recipient data) through the Immunization Data Lake and Tiberius can enable program monitoring and decisionmaking at the federal and subfederal levels. Given that these systems are new, their implementation and usefulness for jurisdictions remains to be seen.”
Hmmmm….to paraphrase, data sharing efforts in the past have not been satisfactory—-or that is at least implied. They go on to say that while in the past the CDC has typically collected de-identified data relative to immunization….seems they are planning on doing things differently this time around. Am I reading that right?
This time, they will create a IZ Data Clearinghouse which will intake the data of a citizen and then take steps to encrypt with “privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL),” where PII is redacted and replaced with unique tokens that allow for records sharing without PII. But they still keep and know the data that ties the shot to the individual….no such thing as anonymity really?
The research paper seemingly acknowledges that the approach of the Biden Administration may prove problematic given that some states have laws that would prohibit the data sharing with identifying information. The Congressional Research Service, however, is quickly assured that all 64 states and territories have signed data sharing agreements with the CDC that respond to a particular state’s or territory’s concern. A quick search turns up what is likely the Data Use and Sharing Agreement. Have a look:
And we are told that the PPRL is not up and running yet, but we should feel confident that they are implementing it….for our welfare and benefit of course.
Then…in an effort to assure us that we NEED this…the claim is made:
”Combining different data types (e.g., both supply and recipient data) through the Immunization Data Lake and Tiberius can enable program monitoring and decisionmaking at the federal and subfederal levels. Given that these systems are new, their implementation and usefulness for jurisdictions remains to be seen.”
In short, they are implementing it and we should just trust it is for our benefit and for decision-making at the federal and subfederal levels. And also trust that they are going to implement these systems competently and employ them responsibly. You know….just take their word for it. Kind of like “safe and effective”….don’t worry, we got this, we are the experts! Don’t question our bona fides.
WHERE THEY LOSE ME…both in trust and confidence is the declaration that “given that these systems are new, their implementation and usefulness for jurisdictions remains to be seen.” (Actually they lose me before that) What is up with that? Shouldn’t they know and be transparent about the “usefulness” or are we once again being reminded that we are part of a government run EXPERIMENT?!
Now….if you are like me….a bit of a Luddite….the term “Data Lake” is new….
What does “data lake” mean?
Well, as I understand it….data lake is about collecting raw data for purposes yet unknown. By comparison a data warehouse is more about storing data for purposes already identified. For example, by defninition….VAERS would seem to be a data warehouse vs. a data lake. That is, the data is being collected for a specific purpose/configuration in the analysis of adverse effects. By comparison, a data lake is the collection of data to be held for future or not yet identified purposes/analysis. Now I am a bit like Vern in the movie, “Over the Hedge”… tale is tingling just a wee bit.
Needless to say….this distinction and these new systems that the Biden Administration is implementing now has me asking more questions….first and foremost….WHO THE HELL IS IN CHARGE OF THE DATA LAKE AND HAS ACCESS? You know….for making future assessments, whatever they are and for whatever purposes?
Oh, and then there is the mention of this new system called “Tiberius.”
So here is the scoop on Tiberius,….the company Palantir was selected by the Trump Administration in mid-2020 as part of the “Operation Warp Speed.” That is, Palantir (no stranger to government contracts….but we’ll get back to that in a moment) was selected to manage the CDC vaccination program….delivery and subsequent data related to immunization.
NOW, let’s talk about Palantir Technologies and what and who they work with in the US government, prior to the contract to help with Operation Warp Speed.
Palantir was founded in 2004 by Peter Thiel. Interestingly, this corporation at its founding struggled to find investors interested in what they were offering by way of services related to big data analytics.
The only investor, beyond Thiel himself, at Palantir’s inception was none other than the Central Intelligence Agency venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel.
I could regurgitate here what I have learned about Palantir….but to be honest, sometimes it is best if people read for themselves the details. As I said in my opening substack….the conversion of a citizen to “conspiracy theorist” or realist is the result of doing the work….asking the questions and digging in.
On that note…for a quick overview of Palantir and how it “services” our federal government and several branches including the CIA, DOD, FBI, etc. have a look at the information through “Wikipedia.”
Or you could read about Palantir from the perspective of James Corbett
In summary, Corbett does an exceptional job of detailing how Palantir came to be, who its clients are, why we should be asking questions about the role of Palantir within the private and government sector. He notes that Palantir is merely a means to an end and not the one pulling the levers of power. Rather as he puts it, Palantir is simply cashing the checks. He notes that with the departure of Trump from the White House, some sought to show Palantir the door and that the company’s economic success historically or in the future is up for debate.
However, what Corbett argues is not up for debate is the role that it is readily apparent that Palantir fills. Corbett states:
”Yes, regardless of whether or not Palantir's fortunes are rising or falling, we can be sure of one thing: the idea behind Palantir—the dream of capturing, storing, analyzing and weaponizing data from every possible data source in order to better control the population—will not be going away anytime soon.
In the final analysis, the true threat is not Palantir itself but the deep state that has given rise to it. Our one saving grace is that the technocrats' wet dream is in fact a pipe dream. Technocracy is, after all, insane and anti-Human and it will fail, but not without a hell of a fight.”
I began writing this substack yesterday because what has been bothering me about the grand COVID vaccine experiment is that despite the government assuring the public that it was not an experiment, and that the vaccines were and are “safe and effective” they seem to be very interested in gathering data as if it was a “big BIG experiment.” You know, like the kind of experiment where they want and need access to all kinds of factors, variables, considerations in trying to figure out how to get over the thus far insurmountable ‘hump’ of making good on the promise of mRNA technology as the means to “engineer mankind’s evolution".”
Interestingly, by the end of yesterday….Palantir was in the 24 hour news cycle. For what? Well, on Monday Palantir was busy announcing that it was going to experience growth and profit like never before seen because of its AI platform and the tools that it would have to offer in that arena.
Heck, Alex Karp, the CEO of Palantir is so cocky and confident that he is quoted as saying that when it comes to AI Palantir’s plan….”Just take the whole market.”
Wow…..and what might be fueling this level of confidence that is long on promise and short on details (which mind you reminds me a bit of how Moderna in its early days sales pitch was how it was going to revolutionize medicine with mRNA, but the company would not give details)? Here is a summary in Bloomberg yesterday of what Karp was willing to say:
”The company plans to begin rolling out the first version of AIP, which stands for Artificial Intelligence Platform, to “select customers” in the coming weeks. In videos on its website, the company laid out how the product could be used in a commercial setting (for example, recovering from a supply chain shock) and a military one (suggesting strategies to deal with threats). Palantir has been touting its AI offerings for a while, but in its earnings call this week, it used the term “AI” and its synonyms 50 times.
Karp said that right now, the company has “no pricing strategy” for its AI products. He explained: “We’re going to get hundreds of customers and we will price it as we go. One of the things we’ve seen over and over again is, when you’re ahead of the market, you need to take territory.”
The core of Palantir’s pitch is that it’s well positioned to handle extremely sensitive AI tools, in part of because of its long experience with classified networks. The company’s largest clients are the American government and the governments of other allied countries.
Karp urged caution about the use of AI in a letter to shareholders this week, writing, “The machine must remain subordinate to its creator.” Palantir has stressed that its AI tools won’t actually do anything without human oversight.
Still, AI researchers have long been wary about the introduction of the technology to military contexts. AI is often described as the next arms race, with the potential to transform modern-day warfare. There are some who believe the technology should be kept far away from the military, where it has the potential to power new types of weapons of mass destruction.
On the other side, experts argue that the greater danger is letting a geopolitical rival figure AI out first.
On the earnings call, Karp described Palantir’s technology the way most people would describe any powerful weapon: as a deterrent. You “create software that is so obviously dominant that adversaries quiver and scurry away,” he said, “instead of attacking us or our allies.” Hopefully it works.” —Lizette Chapman
Palantir’s Plan for AI: ‘Just Take the Whole Market’ - Bloomberg
Anyone else a little uncomfortable with these kinds of statements from a company that is so enmeshed in our government having “provided services in the past” that they sound like they are ready and confident they can take over the world? I mean you should see how much the US government is paying this company and the breadth of their work.
I know, I know… sounds a bit like I am exaggerating…..but then I think of those pesky vaccine cards. I think of all the clients that Palantir brags about having and the wealth of data at their fingertips.
Do you suppose they sign a solemn pledge to keep data in siloes as they do their research and develop their tools? I mean really….or is there a data lake that they are building and well folks, you and your identity are swimming around in it and can be a target at any time and for whatever purpose it may be deemed necessary down the line.
After all, wasn’t that kind of what the Biden Administration candidly told us….hey, we are collecting all this data and who knows how or for what purposes it might come in handy? Just think about how handy the vaccine cards were for blocking the unvaccinated from restaurants or shopping….imagine what they can do when and if they decide they need to know how much carbon you are using in your life….just check all the data on you!
Think digital baby…..that is where this is all headed. This is like the CBDC…oh wait, that’s right….with that, yeah, more data that can be mined. People have been trying to explain that the centralizing of power and information in a system is a dangerous destination for us to be headed both as a nation and as humanity. Oh, they will tell you that they can use that data lake to study long COVID, to determine better protocols next time around, etc. And they hold out AI as the thing that will ensure they get the answers right next time around. Think again.
(I personally wonder if they are going to mind the data to see who survived the mrna technology as compared to those that didn’t. Right, I mean I am itching to ask my state through a FOIA request about how many died and who was vaccinated for the years 2021-present and see what trends pop up. Are more elderly or more young dead than in prior years, what causes are listed, of those causes how many could be vaccine related, etc. Because I do think it was a knowing big experiment and they want their data to fine tune their “science.”)
Let’s look at the issue in the bigger scheme of things. Remember, as we have learned during the pandemic, garbage in/garbage out….all those manipulated clinical trials masquerading as representatives of truth. And there was Fauci et al with the tools to influence and manipulate the “truth” and then present their version as a means of badgering, controlling, influencing and bullying us.
Remember how those with the tools to manipulate the “truth” and then present their version as absolute then refused to entertain any other views…..because, you know….”experts.”
Now, we are dealing with not poorly designed clinical trials, we are being told that this secret AI Platform, that our government can employ with its trusted private partner will dictate the “answers” on several fronts….supply chains, healthcare, financial fraud, predictive policing, and the list goes on. Do a search on Palantir and see for yourself how many irons they have in the fire and for who.
Now, I have a new nagging question…..if Palantir has so much power….is its partnership with our government one where we have power over them as the consumer or they have power over us as a subject? But as Corbett points out….it isn’t really Palantir we need to be worried about….it is whoever thinks it’s such a good idea to amass that kind of power in a centralized system. And we should all be wary and asking why and taking steps to protect our data. Data is what lights up your screen and presents an image….is it so far fetched to think that what the technocrats are doing is studying data in earnest so that they can learn how to manipulate us through their various digital tools, services, and devices so that they can make a world in their image or for their purposes.
Caveat Emptor!
Anyone not on the master list will end up in a "re-education" camp.
One-way ticket.
An interesting anecdotal ‘side note’ about ‘those vaccine cards’. Over the weekend I was buying myself a new pair of Dansko clog sandals at a small independent chain shoe store, that have stores throughout CA. In addition to shoes (for women and men) they sell a small collection of accessories like wallets, purses, card holders, etc. While waiting to to pay for my purchase I was looking at the wallets. I opened up one of them to pull out the card in the wallet, where they usually put the price tag. On the description of the store’s price sticker (not the manufacturer of the wallet) it said ‘Vaccine Card Wallet’! (It was a RFID Blocking wallet, primarily.)
Who knew there was such a thing as a ‘Vaccine Card Wallet’? (Actually it was a wallet style that the manufacturer had been making for years, as I have one of these that I use as a travel wallet.) Now the store has ‘repurposed’ the use of the in addition to protecting your credit and debit cards, it allows one to carry their ‘Vaxx Card’, too! 🤦♀️